Source: Naxal RevolutionThere was no encounter took place between police and our PLGA squad near thallurangadi of Agumbe in which PSI Venkatesh got killed. We got this clarification from our squad there .Because of some communication problem this fact reached us lately. Already people and media exposed the police concocted story of encounter, in which PSI venkatesh killed, for covering up their crimes. On that our PLGA squad was not in that area itself.
Government and criminal police officers must take the responsibility of killing PSI Venkatesh.
We are appealing all constables and the personnel of lower level anti naxalite force to think over about killing our most socially committed comrades and people for the sake of cruel bloodsucking exploiters and enemies of common and democratic people. They must think seriously about worthiness and justice in serving the exploiters anti socials at the cost of injustice, being bearing with the exploitation, insult and their life itself. Most of them are all sons of peasants and workers, I.e. toiling masses. It is their duty to serve the interest of their class I.e. vast toiling peasants and workers; they have to think it seriously.
We are not against them, clarifying once again, but when they are coming with guns to kill us, obstructing to organize people for their cause, it definitely pushes us to retaliate and to counter attack as it becomes inevitable for us. As we are committed for poor, common and democratic people with iron discipline, we never surrender people’s interests at any cost. We are having tradition of great sacrifices and vigorous fighting that made us steal and mending us correctly in the path of new democratic revolution of India.
Ruling class is employing you for maintaining their violent exploitation and political control over the people. You are giving protection for them and their crimes on society, serving for the sake of the few, at the cost of the poor, common and democratic people.
We are requesting humbly to stop attacking poor, common, and democratic people and our comrades on directives of your superior officers, it will harm you and it spoils your life. Stop serving ruling class and protecting them. Support people and their cause and just struggles.
We strongly condemn police massacring of struggling peasants of Mudigonda of Andhra Pradesh by fascist Rajashekar reddy’s congress government. People are waging just struggle for only a part of their rightful lands, for that ruling class fascist agent rajashekara reddy government indulged in ruthless violence on people by murdering 8 and seriously wounding several, indiscriminate lathicharge, vulgar abuse even on women. What this shows? Is this a democracy? Is this justful ruling system? Can we expect any punishment for these fascist culprits? Is this ruling system following rules or constitution of India?
We are supporting people’s struggle and their just demands and Rajashekara reddy government should be punished and also the police officers concerned.
Now few judgments on important cases are coming almost simultaneously. There is much publicity over it, as a symbol of justice prevailing in our country. But reality is not so. For completion of this drama of legal system, it took tens of years, in between this several innocents were killed and put in prison and made them to rotten for several years without any chance of bail. Few were died in the prison.
Now few were acquitted only after the completion of unjust punishment. They were punished for crimes of others i.e. communal fascists and ruling fascists. Several of such common innocent people were becoming scapegoats of this unjust and pro establishment legal system in the daily way. Then what remains in acquitting? Is only for certificate of clean chit? Then even such a costly it is.At the same time judgement giving justice himself showing unjust concern to the vip culprit, actor Sanjayadutt, while delivering judgement. Few media is focussing his eats drinks sleeps etc with much concern and hype, as if it is unjust to punish vip culprits.Any how already the very same legal system allowed him to been in outside the prison while others having less crime and sevaral innocents been thrown and rottened in prison.Their protest over it not sounded to the ruling class and courts. Now also, he is having the privilege of coming outside,that chance was there.As hundreds of crores capital is backing him and he is a vip.
These are all damage controlling exercises of ruling class, as people are lost all faith in the legal and administrative system. All over India people are coming out aggressively against the legal and administrative system and political parties. Even so called left parties are also exposed as most efficient imperialist and ruling class agents in several examples, in that westbengal’s nandigram is glaring one. This illusory confidence building exercise is needed to convince revolting people against SEZs,SAZs, giving away of peasants and retailers market to imperialist companies by opening it to them, big dams,big minings, forest projects, etc, by showing that there is scope for getting justice peacefully in this social system.
Election oriented schemes are also working behind this legal drama of punishment and acquittal .Center’s UPA and it’s partner state governments are taking all chances of gain from this.
With revolutionary greetings
For the state committee
CPI (Maoist)
1/08/07 Karnataka
Friday, August 3, 2007
CPI(Maoist)Karnataka State Committee regarding killing of PSI Venkatesh near thallurangadi of Agumbe
Posted by Vanguard at 5:17 AM
Labels: CPI Maoist, Karnataka
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