Tuesday, October 30, 2007

CPI Maoist Document, Policy programe of Janathana Sarkar

June 1st 2004.

Introduction to the policy programe of Janathana Sarkar

Under the leadership of Communist Party of India (ML)[People's War] revolutionary masses formed People's Army (PGA) and are making People's War. The struggle of the revolutionary masses of DK fighting for the past two and a half decades is inseparable from the Indian New Democratic Revolution. They are weakening and destroying the exploiting state power in the village (local) level and establishing New Democratic Revolutionary power in the form of janathana sarkars. They are becoming more and more enlightened in the process of People's War under the leadership of the proletarian Party and are gaining experiences. They are organizing new power in the village level and are determined to form it in the area level. In the light of theory of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism the CPI(ML)[PW] adopted the fundamental program of New Democratic Revolution. Depending on this SZC is adopting the common minimum program for the janathana sarkar (JS) keeping the specific social conditions and the level of movement in view.

The JS shall be the newly formed People's Democratic state and the power of a government. This power shall attain a complete character and a form, with the formation of countrywide People's Democratic Republic federation. Depending on the common minimum program prepared by the Party the janathans sarkars forming in the process of development of revolutionary struggle in DK shall make efforts to implement the people's government power as the new state power.

They are forming organs of people's democratic power in the area level to establish guerilla base areas with the aim of making Dandakaranya a Liberated Area. Depending on the local JS the Area Janathana Sarkar (AJS) shall introduce People's Democracy in the area level. The JS shall bear the fundamental task of organizing and expanding the new state power, run the revolutionary war and mobilize the masses in the war.

The protection, organizing and expansion of the JS depend on the intensification of People's War. The JS shall strengthen and expand in the process of formation of higher military formations, intensification of guerilla war and destroying, defeating and eliminating the enemy forces. The strengthening and expansion of JS will lead to the formation of Liberated Areas and go in the direction of seizure of power countrywide. This process of coordination shall depend on the international and national political conditions and the stage of People's War.

Of all the state powers in India this revolutionary people's representative assemblies (viplava praja prathinidhula sabhalu) and their revolutionary people's committees (viplava praja committeelu) are the highest and genuine democratic systems. They strive to strengthen the power of area level proletarian leadership, agricultural laborer and poor peasantry and the power of anti feudal, anti imperialist, anti Comprador Bureaucratic Bourgeois forces, with the aim of making DK a Liberated area with the objective of New Democratic Revolution. They will encourage the initiative, creativity and collectivity of the broad peasant masses in People's War, organise them, depend on them totally, learn from them and lead them in the forefront. They make serious efforts to develop people's war so as to help the developing people's upsurge in the respective levels.

Depending on the People's Democratic state power – tasks of the government declared in the program of CPI(ML)[PW], we put here in detail the fundamental policies and tasks of People's Democratic government as the first part of the program of the JS.

We formulated this policy program keeping in view the circulars, guidelines and duties the Central Committee and DKSZC released earlier.



June 1st 2004

Janathana Sarkar


We are now forming janathana sarkars successfully as a result of the great struggles the Dandakaranya revolutionary masses are taking up to successfully go forward with the ultimate aim of establishing Socialism-Communism by destroying the semi colonial, semi feudal system in India through People's War and establishing People's Democratic system. We are declaring the necessary policy program.

This policy program shall be implemented across Dandakaranya wherever the janathana sarkars are formed. Where they are not yet formed and serious efforts are going on for their formation, that is, in the guerilla zones, this shall be the basis of struggle. In the areas where revolutionary movement is expanding newly, that is, in the perspective areas this shall be the issue of propaganda.

First part

Fundamental policies-tasks of the People's Democratic Government

  1. The central task of Indian Revolution is to seize political power, to destroy the semi colonial, semi feudal state, its politics, its economic system and culture and establish a New Democratic State. The aim of New Democratic Revolution is to establish the political and economic system and culture of this New Democratic state. By achieving this aim the doors will be opened for the development of the whole Indian society. The poverty and misery of the masses will be eliminated. A political economic and cultural base will be formed for the Socialist state. Struggle for People's Democracy means struggle to establish anti imperialist, anti feudal, anti big bourgeois politics, economics and culture. People's Democracy means the struggle of the masses against imperialist, feudal, big bourgeois classes under the leadership of proletarian class under the direction of Communist Party on the basis of peasant alliance.
  2. In order to fulfill the above central task Indian masses must join the People's Army. They have to eliminate the armed forces of the Indian state and its total mechanism through War. They must establish people's democratic state in its place.
  3. The line of People's Democratic Revolution is a protracted People's War. People's Democratic Revolution will be successful countrywide with the formation of self-sufficient base areas in the broad rural area, the consolidation of people's governments and expansion. Ultimately the towns are liberated. Thus people's democratic government will be established throughout the country. The existence of janathana sarkars, their consolidation, their expansion are linked with one another. So the janathana sarkars will strive at their best to strengthen themselves, to expand the people's War and develop it.
  4. People's Democratic Government will establish the collective dictatorship of the proletariat, peasantry, petty bourgeois and national bourgeois classes under the leadership of proletariat class. The four class United Front is a definite necessity for the success of People's Democratic Revolution. This four class UF will mobilize all the oppressed nationalities; the religious minorities that are facing harassments and other oppressed social sections and fight. The janathana sarkar will strengthen the four classes UF in the respective levels and strive for countrywide success.
  5. The People's Democratic Government shall guarantee all kinds of freedom and rights of the broad toiling masses. It shall protect the interests of people in all times. It guarantees the following fundamental rights to the people.
    1. Right to express (speech, write, publication)
    2. Right to meet
    3. To form organization
    4. To conduct strikes and demonstrations
    5. To live according to one's wish
    6. To have primary education
    7. To have primary medical treatment
    8. To gain minimum employment

In addition to these rights the people will have to fulfill the following duties

  1. To protect the country
  2. To respect the constitution and law
  3. To protect the government properties
  4. To provide military services
  5. To pay taxes
  1. People will have the right to elect the government representatives and to be elected in all the levels according to the constitution of People's Democracy. They will have the right to summon and if necessary, call back the elected representatives if they are not committed to the manifesto.
  2. The state shall not discriminate towards anyone in terms of tribe, caste, religion, nationality, gender, language, region, education, post and status. It shall deal all as equals. It shall give equal opportunities to all.
  3. State shall be separated from the religion and will have a secular character. Religion shall be the personal affair of individuals. It shall avoid indulging in luring and threatening people with partiality towards one particular religion. Citizens will have the right to believe or disbelieve religion. State shall oppose all kinds of religious fundamentalism. It shall put an end to religious chauvinism.
  4. The People's Democratic economic system shall have the main task of destroying the semi colonial, semi feudal economic system, lay a path for the economic and social development of the country and establish Socialist economic system. This is the social economic order in the process of the transition of capitalist system to Socialism under the dictatorship of People's Democracy under the leadership of proletariat.

It will confiscate the lands of landlords and the religious organizations and distribute them to the poor, landless peasants and agricultural laborers on the basis of 'land to the tiller'. It will not seize the properties of the rich peasants. It will put a stop to the moneylenders' exploitation of the peasants. It will bring out the initiative and potential of the peasants. It will establish voluntary cooperative organizations in all the sectors. It shall strive for the development of agriculture. It shall take up industrialization in a big way on the basis of agriculture.

It will confiscate all the industries, banks and other organizations of the imperialists and comprador bureaucratic bourgeois classes. It will confiscate all the industries, banks and business institutions of the government, imperialists, and comprador bureaucratic class. It will dissolve all the imperialist loans. It will dissolve the unequal financial agreements that the exploiting government made with the imperialists.

It will seize the capital, mobile and immobile properties of the government and the CBB. It will take up the governance of all the monopoly industries and commerce depending on 'control of capital'.

The New Democratic Government shall not come in the way of capitalist production that is not in a position of controlling the people's life. It will control and dictate the small industries, middle level industries that are the industries of the national capitalist class. It will help for the development of cottage industries and handicrafts through cooperative organizations.

It will adopt the above agricultural, business and industrial policies and facilitate the way for people's democratic economic system.

It will implement an eight-hour working day for all the workers in the New Democratic system. It will dissolve the contract worker system and the child labor system. It will provide equal wages for women and men according to the principle of equal wage for equal work. It will provide social security and protective working conditions to all the workers.

  1. It will arm the people in order to protect the country. It will enthuse and encourage the masses to join the People's Army. People's government will pay special attention for the necessary sources of the People's army. It will put People's Army under the command of revolutionary politics. It will unite it with the masses.

It will give special importance for the task of looking after the families of soldiers, martyrs, those dependent on them, those injured in the war and the handicapped.

It will hand over the recollections (personal belongings) of the people's soldiers who laid their lives in their heroic fight with the enemy forces to their families. It will appreciate their sacrifices and stores their details. Whenever possible it will build memorial columns.

  1. It will implement a progressive judicial system on the basis of mass line. It will form people's courts in various levels for this purpose.
  2. It shall be the task of the government to establish a new culture, scientific and democratic, by destroying the semi feudal, semi colonial culture in the present revolutionary phase. It shall continue the secular, genuinely democratic and scientific factors of the cultural heredity that the history handed over to the oppressed masses.
  3. It will strive to dissolve all kinds of discrimination on women and to end patriarchy and male domination. It will liberate women from household drudgery and make them part of social production, political, military, government administration and other such activities. It will guarantee equal share in property. It will take up special policies to remove unequal laws in a fast pace that the women are experiencing. It will ban prostitution, provide rehabilitation to the women and recognize them as ordinary citizens.

Marriages shall be on the basis of mutual love and agreement. The age limit for marriage would be 20 years. It will ban child marriages. It will encourage widow remarriages. Women shall have a right to abortion. It will make special arrangements for the welfare of children.

It will grant divorce if both the husband and wife wish so. If only one of them asks for it, it will make the necessary investigation and announce the decision. It will distribute the common property equally. In case of children, men must take up two third parts and women one-third part of the responsibility. It shall be the responsibility of the men to repay the common loans after divorce.

  1. The New Democratic Government will recognize the right to self-determination of the oppressed nationalities and national minorities. It will integrate the country by recognizing the right to separate and the right to self-determination to these nationalities. The nationality minorities in various levels from the village to the state or in places where they are a majority, they will have the right to ask for autonomy. These autonomous areas will be according to the People's Democratic system and will reflect the aspirations of these minority people. The national minorities shall have appropriate representation according to their population in the people's assemblies, and the representatives' assemblies in the areas they reside.

There are regional disparities in the country as a result of the unequal policies followed by the exploiting ruling classes. So some areas are backward and some areas are linked with the development of the nationalities. The People's Democratic Government will eliminate all kinds of regional disparities and strive for the development of the backward areas. If necessary it will also provide regional autonomy.

  1. It shall guarantee comprehensive development of the adivasi societies. It shall provide absolute power on the forest to the people. It will bring to stop the exploitation of the natural sources by the comprador big bourgeois, imperialist and multi national companies. It will work for the development of the language and culture of adivasis. It will adopt corresponding policies.
  2. It will eliminate discrimination and disparities of caste. It will eliminate the caste system totally. Until then it will take up special programs to uplift them in all sectors and implement the same.
  3. It will eliminate the present system of education. It will introduce a scientific, democratic and socialist system of education in its place. It will link it with production according to the necessities of Democratic India.
  4. Government shall give equal status to the languages of all the nationalities. It will help to develop the languages that do not have a script. It will not impose a language on other nationalities in the name of national language, link language or in any other form. It will try to bring forward the generally accepted language depending on unanimity.
  5. It will provide proper financial and social security and good social and cultural atmosphere to all those who are physically handicapped, mentally handicapped, old persons, orphans and the helpless. It will introduce a people helping medical system that provides free treatment and good health, mainly to workers, peasants and other toiling masses.
  6. It will follow five principles regarding the relations with the countries having various social systems. They are – geographical integrity, mutual respect towards sovereignty, no mutual occupation, and non-intervention in each other's matters, equality, mutual interest and peaceful coexistence.

It will provide help to all the anti capitalist system and anti imperialist struggles across the world, mainly to the revolutionary struggles and revolutionary wars under the various Maoist revolutionary forces. It will work as a base for New Democratic and later Socialist India, to facilitate the success of World Socialist Revolution. Keeping in view the historical relations of India with the masses in the subcontinent, it will closely integrate with the revolutionary Maoist forces and struggles in South Asia. It will dissolve all the unequal treaties the old government made.

Second part

Structure of the government


Janathana sarkar


Hammer and sickle with red flag with the length and breadth of the ratio 2:3.


Must sing communist international in front of the flag.

Formation of government

Village Janathana sarkars may be formed in areas of 500-3000 population.

Structure of the government

People will elect the people's assemblies/representatives assemblies on the basis of general adult vote in the village/town, area, district/division, special zone/state levels in revolutionary bases formed in the process of the ongoing People's War. The committees elected through these assemblies shall work as the revolutionary governments. The revolutionary government shall be absolutely in the hands of the masses. The supreme people's Congress of the Federation of the People's Democratic Republic in the all India level or the Central level after achieving countrywide success in considerable areas in the country shall be the highest organ of the government.

After the People's War achieves success in Dandakaranya or in a considerable area dandakaranya, autonomous government will be formed. The present Dandakaranya consists of South Bastar, West Bastar, North Bastar, Maad and Gadchiroli divisions. The majority masses in this area are suffering with exploitation and misery for generations together. The natural development process took a distorted turn. The adivasis are still in the pre feudal production relationships. So the Dandakaranya people's government shall work as their autonomous government and provide special opportunities for their development.

Election of government

All adults those who have the age of 18 years will participate in elections. One needs to complete20 years to be elected. Landlords, anti people hierarchs, stooges of exploiting government and anti revolutionary forces are disqualified to participate in elections. The elections are held through secret ballot. Election commission will conduct the elections. The elected representatives shall be answerable to the people's assemblies or the representative's assemblies that they represent. If the elected representatives do not conduct their duties properly the people's assemblies/representative assemblies can call them back. The people's assemblies/representative assemblies can call the representatives back only with a 2/3rds majority. The president and the vice-president of the autonomous governments shall be from the masses, reflecting the aspirations of the majority masses. Minority nationalities and tribes from other areas shall have proper representation according to their population in the autonomous areas. The rest of the adivasis must be considered as local adivasis.

The people's democratic government will be formed with the democratic classes, sections, parties, organizations, the representatives of teams, the representatives of people's army and democratic individuals. People from workers, peasants, petty bourgeois class and national bourgeois class constitute the government. This will be formed as the revolutionary United Front government. This will exercise the power as a genuine democratic government.

Now we are forming organs of revolutionary government in a secret manner. So it is not possible to elect revolutionary people's governments with direct elections in the place of exploiting class governments from the village to upper level. We can conduct elections through the people's representative assemblies in a limited number in such conditions.

In all levels, the people's assemblies in the people's assemblies/people's representatives in the representative assemblies will elect the revolutionary people's governments. These governments will establish various government departments, their responsible persons and mechanism to conduct the administrative responsibilities. They will make the necessary laws.

Method of functioning of the government

Democratic centralism shall be the fundamental policy of the structure and method of functioning of the government. As per the principles of democracy individuals shall be committed to the government, minority to the majority, lower level government to the higher level government, lower level to the gram sabha and higher level to the representatives assembly.

Coming to the higher level autonomous governments, they shall make acceptable decisions reflecting the aspirations of the masses regarding the language, culture and development. Normally these decisions will not be mandatory orders to be implemented. The autonomous governments can ratify them with certain exceptions and amendments. On the other hand the autonomous governments shall view the development of their areas and future as a part of the development and future of the whole country and implement the decisions of the high level government.

People shall have total control on the People's Democratic government. It will make the broad masses participate in the daily work of the government by adopting proper methods. People's opinion will have much importance in the decisions and in solving problems. It will make the people have an active role in the implementation of decisions and in the review. It will facilitate the supervision of the work of the government representatives.

Relations between the village level and area level janathana sarkars

    1. Janathana sarkars shall send their budget reports and the details of the necessary funds to the area janathana sarkars.
    2. The village janathana sarkars shall send the annual report of their activities and the annual accounts to the area janathana sarkar.
    3. The AJS will release the necessary funds to the village janathana sarkars in its jurisdiction. It will also provide help and guidelines. It will go through their annual reports and accounts. It will inspect the activities of the village janathana sarkars. It will give the necessary orders and review the decisions. It will introduce its annual reports and accounts for a discussion.

All the departments of the janathana sarkars and the members bearing various responsibilities in these departments should work with dedication, sincerity, and simplicity, sacrificing nature, hard work, collectivity and other such revolutionary characters. They must not let bribes, gifts, partial nature, bad habits, misbehavior towards women, male domination, harshness towards people and other such immoral, anti people policies. They must not deny the laws. They must fulfill their duties in a proper manner. They must always remember that they are serving the people.

Amendment of constitution

Necessary amendments may be made to the fundamental policies and tasks in the people's assemblies /representative assemblies with ¾ majority and send them to the high level government.

Government committee

It shall be elected with 7-11 members along with the president and the vice-president of the janathana sarkar.

Duties of the president

  1. Presiding over the meetings of the government
  2. Informing the dates of the meeting and the agenda to the members one week earlier
  3. Maintaining and protecting the government records
  4. Maintaining the responsibilities of office and personnel
  5. Coordinating all the activities of the government in the status of the president.

Duties of the vice-president

  1. Fulfilling the works assigned through the president
  2. Presiding over the meetings in the absence of the president. Conducting the responsibilities of the president.

The other members of the people's government committee shall bear the responsibility of the various departments as per their work division

Government departments – departmental committees

In view of the present necessities it shall form 8 departmental committees – (1) Financial (2) Defense (3) Agriculture (4) Judicial (5) Education – Culture (6) Health (7) Forest protection (8) Public relations.

The departments might be reduced or increased basing on the needs. All the departments shall consist 3-7 members. People's assemblies/representatives assemblies shall elect them (except the defense department).


Elections will be held once in three years to the people's governments. The elected village janathana sarkars shall meet once in a month and area janathana sarkars once in 2 months. It will hold meetings once in 4 months with all the members of the departmental committees. It will review the method of functioning of the government in the meetings of the people's assemblies/representatives assemblies once in 6 months in the initial stage of the formation of the government. Later it must hold such meetings once in a year. Normal meetings will be held in the stipulated time. Meetings will be held only if there is a quorum of 2/3rd. it will make general decisions according to the opinion of majority. If 1/3rd members ask so, meeting can be held.

Standing committee

The standing committees are formed with the responsible persons of the president, vice-president, finance, defense departments for taking up daily works and supervision of the governments in the respective level. The standing committees will provide the daily guideline to implement the decisions the committees took in between the meetings of the governmental committee.

  1. Finance department
    1. It shall adopt the annual budget as per the decision of the government according to the proposals of the various departments. Budget shall be set from 1st January to 31st December.
    2. Income is in the form of taxes and donations from the people and fines from the anti people elements. This shall be in the form of cash or paddy. Government shall decide the taxes. Finance department shall bear the responsibility of collecting them.
    3. It will strive for the development of business, handicrafts, domestic industries and small industries based on agriculture and forest products, in the individual level on the basis of cooperation. It will encourage private business in the specific fields. But it will control the exploitation of the traders in transaction.
    4. It will collect royalty from the traders and contractors that take the local resources, with the permission of the janathana sarkar.
    5. It will mobilize the masses widely with the aim of developing the economic system to fulfill the necessities of the masses and that of the People's War and takes up all the necessary actions.
    6. The finance department will release the annual accounts of the government only after all the departments submit their accounts.
    7. They shall be closely linked with the cooperative organizations and shall give loans and grants if necessary.
    8. It will release bonds whenever necessary, for the government as capital.
    9. The finance department shall maintain the details of the properties of the government.
  2. Agriculture department
    1. It shall distribute the lands people's government seized to the agricultural laborer, landless peasants, poor peasants and lower middle class peasants on the basis of 'land to the tiller'. It shall give priority to the families of soldiers in the People's Army, to the families of martyrs and those dependent on them, injured in the war as per the class line. It will give importance to till the lands of the families of full timers in revolution that cannot work in their lands to the sufficient extent, the lands of those families that do not have the necessary number to work, that of old people, that of women not allowed to till, that of those who lost husbands and that of helpless persons. It will give land equal to a middle peasant to the landlords that surrender and shall confiscate the rest of the land. It will implement the rest of the land reforms phase wise as per the preparation and the strength of the movement. It will take charge of the immobile properties. It will utilize them for the people's needs.
    2. It will prepare the record of land ownership. It shall strive to develop the cooperative movement and agriculture.
    3. It will release joint patta in the name of families and in the name of wife and husband.
    4. It will record the details of transfer of land and transaction of lands. One must take the permission of this department if they want to buy or transfer lands to the non-adivasis. Those who want to leave their house and lands must inform the local janathana sarkar.
    5. It shall strive to solve land disputes between the local and non-local persons, among the local people and among the non-locals as per the class line and with the view to mobilize and integrate the masses of all the democratic classes.
    6. It will decide the minimum wages and working day not above than 8 hours according to the situation in the area. It will decide equal wages for equal work.
    7. It will dissolve and ban illegal interest.
    8. It will see that land is taken up for agriculture family wise or collectively. It will help those that do not have cows, seeds and agricultural tools to arrange the same through the government. It shall distribute cattle, seeds and agricultural tools seized from the landlords and hierarchs to the necessary peasants. Though there is private ownership over land, it will encourage collective work through mutual labor cooperation of the peasants in leveling the land, tilling, transplantations, weed removing, harvesting, growing vegetables, raising fruits, fish, cattle raising and other such agricultural and agriculture related works. It will thus develop the cooperative movement. It will strive to increase productivity and production so as to fulfill the necessities of food grains to the people and give importance to the development of agriculture. The collective lands, collective plantations, collective ponds, fish rising and other such things shall be in the control of this department.
    9. It will encourage the peasantry to store the seeds, raise two crops, grams and oil seeds. It will oppose utilizing the seeds of imperialist multinational corporations.
    10. It will encourage and develop the usage of local fertilizers. It will test the fertility of land and takes up measures for its protection.
    11. It will take up the building of canals to facilitate water to the fields instead of growing paddy in the ponds like it is done now. It will build check dams and small irrigations projects as a part of irrigation.
    12. It will see that production will not suffer in the time of enemy repression. It will try to re grow the lost crop as soon as possible. It will help the peasants to store their properties, mainly crops from the enemy attack.
    13. This department will look after the cattle house of the village.
  3. People's defense department
    1. This will conduct the defense duties of the janathana sarkar. It will provide protection to the people's department. It will follow class line and mass line in all affairs of defense.
    2. It will suppress the local enemies. It will expose the enemy informers and CIDs and expose them among the masses. It will arrest them and summon them before the people's court. It will actively move the militia and the masses in identifying and controlling them. It will pass information about such persons to the janathana sarkar, Party, People's Guerilla forces and the various departments.
    3. It will take up all the necessary actions the janathana sarkar decides to defeat the enemy conspiracies and control the conspiratorial actions of the enemy.
    4. It will encourage all those qualified to join the people's militia. It will strive to arm them and train them. It will encourage and mobilize the youth to join PGA forces.
    5. It will establish government intelligence and make it work. It will establish a 'protective department' (security force) to protect the law and order in the masses. This department will see that the bad elements, hierarchs do not provoke anti revolutionary ideas and create riots in the village. It shall help the people to intensify the People's War by protecting law and order in the village.
    6. Jails shall be in the control of this department. This department will implement the punishments the people's court gives them.
    7. It will mobilize the people to fight back and defeat the encirclement and suppression attacks and campaigns of the enemy forces. It will cooperate with the main, secondary forces and command in this area in retaliation.
    8. This department too shall have in its control the people's government armed forces.
  4. People's judicial department
    1. The people's courts will work as per the new principles of justice, class line and mass line. The judicial department will solve the problems between the people so as to enhance their integrity. Normally it does not punish to solve them. When it tries landlords, hierarchs, heads of the ruling class parties, exploiting government officers, police, paramilitary, military forces, goondas, anarchists, thieves, deceivers, conspirators, police agents and others it isolates them from the people and punishes them in the necessary way including confiscation of their properties. It follows methods to increase the role of people in avoiding crimes. It gives death sentence to those who indulge in counter revolutionary crimes. Before it implements death sentence the local janathana sarkars have to obtain permission from the higher courts. Except for counter revolutionary crimes, it will send those indulged in murder, attempt to murder, atrocities on women, informing the exploiting police and other such things to the labor camps. In these camps, they are made to do labor. They are taught revolutionary politics and are reformed. It will help to develop the people's judicial system by passing verdict on disputes, crimes and conspiracies. It will also keep in view the customary traditions while giving verdict. The number of judges must be according to the character and intensity of the cases. The judicial committee solves the normal cases. In critical cases the number of judges may be enhanced to nine.
    2. There are yet certain forums to solve the disputes among the people in the adivasi society. According to the intensity of the problem and the character they are brought forth. The people's court must bear this in mind. The people's courts will strive to develop these forums to be people oriented and work for the integrity among the people.
    3. Whatever the case or dispute may be, it will collect the related information about the case beforehand, listen to the arguments of both the parties during the trial, listen to the evidences totally and then pass a verdict. Normally the trial is open and the people can tell their opinion freely. Thus their role in the judicial system will increase.
    4. In each and every case there must be voting among the judges and verdict must be given according to the opinion of the majority. It may be given with slight majority also. But in critical cases the verdicts must have 2/3 rd majorities. The president of the judicial departmental committee or the judge that presided the trial shall announce the verdicts. They must give the necessary explanation.
    5. Those who are not satisfied with the verdict of the local judicial committee can appeal to the area court and even above it.
    6. All the citizens shall have fundamental and ordinary rights. No citizen should be arrested without proper legal basis. The citizens must consider the arrest as a proper action done in a democratic legal method. Otherwise they can challenge the arrest warrant.
    7. The people's judicial committee shall take the help of the other departments, mainly the defense committee in trying the cases.
    8. If the members of the Party Committee or the PGA forces commit mistakes in dealing with the people they will be summoned in the people's court with the permission of the concerned Party Committee.
    9. The people's courts will make a comprehensive and deep study regarding the families of the soldiers, martyrs and injured in the people's army and regarding the 'pado' (spouses) of those that are recruited into the Party and pass verdict.
  5. Peoples education and cultural committee
    1. This departmental committee shall look after the educational and cultural responsibilities for the development of scientific, democratic culture among the masses. In addition to the political consciousness and scientific knowledge it will strive to create primary knowledge about administration, organization and state affairs.
    2. It will run primary, middle and adult schools and libraries for general education. It will strive to prepare new textbooks. It will make efforts to teach primary education in mother tongue.
    3. It will raise the consciousness of the masses against the feudal, imperialist culture and develop democratic culture among the people. It will raise the consciousness of the masses so that they will come out of the feudal and bad traditions.
    4. It will enlighten the people so that they oppose the media that propagates drinking liquor, gambling, prostitution and obscene literature (songs and films). It bans the same. It will enlighten the people so that they consider untouchability, discrimination of caste and tribe, violence on women, attacks on minorities as crimes and mobilizes them against the same.
    5. It will conduct revolutionary festivals. It will conduct sports competition. It will strive to develop the youth physically and mentally. It will utilize the educated youth, intellectuals and teachers for the development of education and culture.
    6. The committee shall conduct meetings and conferences for the development of education and culture whenever necessary. In addition to the development of education it will seriously try to develop New Democratic Culture and values in the personal, family and social life. It will highlight the people's art. It will pay attention to protect them. It will make a study on the local customs and traditions, festivals, marriages, death, deliveries and other such things and try to reduce the expenditure on them. It will try to bring the necessary reforms in this regard.
    7. It will encourage inter caste, inter tribe and inter religious marriages with the aim of developing New Democratic Culture. It will support those who marry so.
    8. It will totally oppose the attempts to Hinduise the adivasis. It will condemn and oppose marriages of adivasi goddesses with the name of Hindu goddesses, building temples, make the adivasi children sing divine songs and conducting Hindu festivals. It will oppose the attitude of those who transformed into Hindu religion considering adivasis as untouchables and discriminating them branding as 'katwa' (sudra). It will condemn and oppose the propagation of ramayana, mahabharatha and other epics. It will stop the process of proselytizing the adivasis to Hindu religion and the construction of churches in the adivasi areas.
    9. It will not allow Saraswathi sisumandir, Sevabharathi, Vanavasi Kalyan Ashram and other such things that are distorting history and other subjects through the texts with Hindu religious ideology in the name of education.
    10. It will oppose and shall not allow the activities of NGA and INGO (international non government organizations) that is misleading the masses from class struggle in the name of education, medicine and other such services with the help of imperialist and multinational corporations and their funds.
    11. It will take care that the 'aarogato', 'pothum kabad', 'paaro' and other such methods do not be useful for the hierarchs for economic exploitation. It will try to develop the cooperative nature and integrity in the adivasi traditions.
    12. It will discourage long duration collective hunting. It disturbs the agricultural development works. It will encourage the people to utilise this time for productive activities.
  6. Public health – Social Welfare department
    1. This department will strive for the protection of people's health to better their living conditions. It will develop their understanding towards physical fitness, the importance of exercises in order to continue People's War and strives to take the necessary actions.
    2. It will pay special attention for the health of women and children.
    3. It will strive to utilize the local methods of medicine. It will try to remove the unscientific ideas in the traditional medicine like manthra and encourage the herbal medicine they practice. It will send volunteers for primary training to fulfill the primary medical necessities of the people and use them as doctors. It will run medical centers locally. The doctors will go to the patients and the patients need not necessarily go to the doctor or those who have medicine. It will encourage the people to take medicines from the medical center. It will buy the necessary medicine for the medical center. It will collect funds for the medical center through collective labor or in the form of donations. It will collect medicines from all sources including the voluntary organizations. It will also utilize the services of doctors with democratic ideas. It will conduct medical camps.
    4. It will try to eliminate the blind superstitions in the people regarding health.
    5. It will caution the people about the seasonal diseases. It will propagate the precautions to be taken. It will enlighten the people about nutritional diet, personal and social hygiene and against the bad habits. If anyone needs to go the hospital the committee shall help him or her in all ways.
    6. It will record births and death.
    7. It will mobilize the people and protect hygiene. It will conduct meetings and propaganda campaigns to develop the knowledge of people about health and hygiene. It propagates in various forms.
    8. It will pay special attention towards the handicapped, old persons, orphans, children and welfare of victims of repression.
    9. It will try to arrange houses and house sites for those who do not have, with the help of the people.
    10. It will try to create clean drinking water and will mobilize the people for the same.
  7. Forest protection committee
    1. It will protect the forests maintaining the traditional boundaries. It will protect the environment.
    2. It will allow the people to use the trees that fell in the forest as fuel.
    3. One has to obtain timber for domestic purposes and agricultural tools with the permission of this department.
    4. It will regulate the trading of forest products for profit. It will oppose procuring of herbs, fruit trees and other valuable trees that are helpful for medical services in methods that would destroy them.
    5. It will strive for developing forests. It will stop illicit timber business. It will arrest those who do illegal timber business and those who help for the same and hand over them to the people's court.
    6. It will oppose the plantations of the exploiting government that destroys environment.
    7. It will work against the exploiting government policies that are trying to send away the adivasis from the forests in the name of construction of Vanyaprani abhayaranyas, National Parks and other such things.
    8. Those who need lands for agriculture must cut the forest only with the permission of this department.
    9. It will allow the traditional hunting of adivasis. But hunting for the sake of business is banned. It will also ban business of flesh, horns, skin and other such organs of the animals.
    10. It will ban the use of chemical pesticide to catch fish, animals and birds.
    11. It will oppose all kinds of heavy projects that lead to the destroyal of forests in a big way and displace the adivasis and destroy the environment.
  8. Public relations department
    1. It will take the government policies to the people through the various mass organizations. It will have a close relation with the mass organizations for this purpose. It will not intervene in their internal matters.
    2. It will strive to make the mass organizations play a main role in implementing the government policies in a regular manner.

It will widely propagate the activities and policies of the government. It will release the necessary propaganda material.

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